
Les bonnes pratiques pour développer un projet à plusieurs

05/04/2013 | Pierre Baron

Vous souhaitez réaliser un projet complet et ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ? Vous trouvez qu’il manque un petit quelque chose pour que votre projet devienne incontournable ? Nous allons ici lister les bonnes pratiques, utilisées en entreprise, afin de mener efficacement un projet à son terme.

Using WampServer in production

09/12/2012 | Pierre Baron

WampServer is an awesome tool and famous in web development world. For those who do not know it, WampServer is a software installing Apache, PHP and MySQL. It is really useful to locally work on your websites. The problem is that it is for development and not for production because it is not secured.

CakePHP Media plugin v1.1

12/11/2012 | Pierre Baron

Today I want to share an awesome plugin created by Grafikart called CakePHP-Media. You can download the v1.1 (improvements listed below) from my fork :

Add your Twitter timeline to your CakePHP application

23/10/2012 | Pierre Baron

Twitter just changed its API so I decided to write my own library to display my Twitter feeds on my website.

new life, new website

05/10/2012 | Pierre Baron

Hey guys! I decided to create a new website to replace my old one. What should be a project to learn CakePHP finally became my all new website. That iss the reason why I am proud to announce v1.0!